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Revision as of 09:40, 15 June 2020

KENNEDY HPC for Bioinf community

Usage of Cluster

Documented Programs

The following can be seen as extra notes referring to these programs usage on the marvin cluster, with an emphais on example use-cases. Most, if not all, will have their own special websites, with more detailed manuals and further information.

* abacas * albacore * ariba * aspera * assembly-stats * augustus
* BamQC * bamtools * banjo * bcftools * bedtools * bgenie
* BLAST * Blat * blast2go: b2g4pipe * bowtie * bowtie2 * bwa
* BUSCO * CAFE * canu * cd-hit * cegma * clustal
* cramtools * conda * deeptools * detonate * diamond * ea-utils * ensembl
* ETE * FASTQC and MultiQC * Archaeopteryx and Forester * GapFiller * GenomeTools * gubbins
* JBrowse * kallisto * kentUtils * last * lastz * macs2
* Mash * mega * meryl * MUMmer * NanoSim * nseq
* OrthoFinder * PASA * perl * PGAP * picard-tools * poRe
* poretools * prokka * pyrad * python * qualimap * quast
* qiime2 * R * RAxML * Repeatmasker * Repeatmodeler * rnammer
* roary * RSeQC * samtools * Satsuma * sickle * SPAdes
* squid * sra-tools * srst2 * SSPACE * stacks * Thor
* Tophat * trimmomatic * Trinity * t-coffee * Unicycler * velvet
* ViennaRNA

Queue Manager Tips

A cluster is a shared resource with different users running different types of analyses. Nearly all clusters use a piece of software called a queue manager to fairly share out the resource. The queue manager on marvin is called Grid Engine, and it has several commands available, all beginning with q and with qsub being the most commonly used as it submits a command via a jobscript to be processed. Here are some tips:

Data Examples


(short sequence of tasks with a certain short-term goal, often, a simple script)

Navigating genomic data websites



(Workflow with specific end-goals)


(Extensive workflows with different with several possible end goals)

Tech Reviews

Cluster Administration




The half-day linux course held on 20th April. Modified version of I2U4BGA.

RNAseq for DGE

Introduction to Unix 2017
