Intro to RNA-Seq Data Analysis Course

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Course schedule

  • This is based on a 2 day Edinburgh Genomics course of the same name, with the following changes:
- "Introduction to Linux" moduel excluded
- "Sequencer technology overview" module excluded.
- No laboratory visit
- 50% of that course was theoretical, this will be reduced to 30%
  • Each section begins with a "Talk", and then a practical runthrough.
  • If necessary, some talk slides may be skipped, as the main idea is getting through the practicals.
  • Having said that if major theoretical points arise during a practical, they will be discussed.
  • Course website:
- this has all the presentations and practicals

Connecting to a remote Machine

Presenting this before introduction as some people might experience delays logging in.

  • We shall use a remote machine not the machine you are logged into locally
  • The program we shall use is PuTTY.
  • Please try to locate PuTTY in the applications section or on AppsAnywhere

Configuring PuTTY for connection

  • Server:
  • Terminal | keyboard | check VT100+
  • Window | Selection | Control use of Mouse | set xterm
  • Connect | Data | enter username
  • Connection | ssh | X11 Forwarding | Check yes
  • Back to PuTTY main screen | select Default setting |click save

You should now be able to "open" a session

  • Be aware typing in your password is done blindly. I.e. it does not appear on the screen.

Computing resources

  • RNA-Seq is characterised by;
- heavy workload
- several software programs
- long-running tasks.

These have three implications:

- The marvin cluster is an 11-machine shared computing resource, not a personal computer ... others are using it.
- We need to load the special software before using it
- We want to be able to have a process run unattended.
  • For these three aspects, we have:
- A queue system to use, we shall request an interactive session (qrsh) from the queue.
- Use the module system to load, list and unload software programs
- We shall use the GNU Screen utility so we can do other things while waiting.

GNU Screen 1

A program which allows several command-line sessions open, similar to the idea of open tabs in a web browser. Let's try it out.

  • To enter a new session, type screen
  • This will open with quite a bare screen except with a indicator line at the bottom.
  • Screen works on the activator key concept, you need to use Ctrl+l (while Ctrl-key iis held down briefly, l-key is pressed) to activate any of its functions.
  • After pressing Ctrl+l and releasing you then have a series of single key strokes that will do various useful things.
  • There will be two command-line windows open when you start it.
  • Let's learn how to get out of it first
- type exit, you should see you have one command-line session less.
- type exit again and you will be told you have exited screen
- you are now back in the ordinary command-line.

GNU Screen 2

  • Go back into screen
  • Switch back and forth between the two open sessions: use Ctrl+l,n (n for next) or Ctrl+l,p (p for previous)
  • Don't see anything different when you do this? Look again at the bottom line, the asterisk has changed position.
- the asterisk define the active session
you can move to a numbered session with ctrl+l,1 or ctrl+l,2 for session no.1 and no.2 respectively.

Overview of RNA-Seq

  • For gene expression analyses, seen as a more powerful replacememnt to microarrays