Pavel Pevszner's de-novo assembler, primarily for - but not restricted to - bacteria.
Installation (Sysadmin notes)
Initially version 3.7.0 was insatlled using the specially compiled gcc/4.9.3 compiler (available as a module). However the -b version of the module now uses Redhats devtoolset-2, so that this compiler is not necessary.
Boost however, is necessary. The cluster has the latest version: 1.60. Possibly compiled (well, the bits that can be compiled) with g++ 4.4.7. In any case, the location of boost is a problem, although the boost module on the cluster does create some useful environmental variables, the given stacks_compile script does recognise them.
In any case, the configure system is cmake, so a "build" subdirectory should be created. Inside that, a short compile script containined something the following should be created:
There is no make test nor make check. There is however, this:
<spades installation dir>/ --test