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Coded by Derek Barnett. The associated tool list is as follows:

  • convert
  • count
  • coverage
  • filter
  • header
  • index
  • merge
  • random
  • revert
  • sort
  • split
  • stats


bamtools expects an -in for each bam file presented to it. If the subcommand outputs a bam file, then -out witht he name of bam file (probably entirely the user's choice). This situation is probably likely when using the marge command.


This subcommands counts the number of alignments. The answer is the addition of samtools view -F 4 -c (number of mapped reads) and samtools view -f 4 -c (number of unmapped reads).


Output from the stats subcommand:

Stats for BAM file(s): 

Total reads:       3894332
Mapped reads:      3733842      (95.8789%)
Forward strand:    2019616      (51.8604%)
Reverse strand:    1874716      (48.1396%)
Failed QC:         0    (0%)
Duplicates:        0    (0%)
Paired-end reads:  3894332      (100%)
'Proper-pairs':    3704193      (95.1175%)
Both pairs mapped: 3719595      (95.513%)
Read 1:            1946761
Read 2:            1947571
Singletons:        14247        (0.365839%)

regions of interest

  • -region <REGION>

Many of the tools accept this option, which allows a user to only consider alignments that overlap this region (whether counting, filtering, merging, etc.).

An alignment is considered to overlap a region if any part of the alignments intersects the left/right boundaries. Thus, a 50bp alignment at position 70 will overlap a region beginning at position 100. REGION string format: A proper REGION string can be formatted like any of the following examples (where 'chr1' is the name of a reference (not its ID)and is any valid integer position within that reference.) : -region chr1 only alignments on (entire) reference 'chr1' -region chr1:500 only alignments overlapping the region starting at chr1:500 and continuing to the end of chr1 -region chr1:500..1000 only alignments overlapping the region starting at chr1:500 and continuing to chr1:1000 -region chr1:500..chr3:750 only alignments overlapping the region starting at chr1:500 and continuing to chr3:750. This 'spanning' region assumes that the reference specified as the right boundary will occur somewhere in the file after the left boundary. On a sorted BAM, a REGION of 'chr4:500..chr2:1500' will produce undefined (incorrect) results. So don't do it. :) Note: Most of the tools that accept a REGION string will perform without an index file, but typically at great cost to performance (having to plow through the entire file until the region of interest is found). For optimum speed, be sure that index files are available for your data.

�Derek Barnett – 22 March 2011

-forceCompression Force compression of BAM output. When tools are piped together (see details below), the default behavior is to turn off compression. This can greatly increase performance when the data does not have to be constantly decompressed and recompressed. This option is ignored any time an output BAM file is specified using "-out". Piping Many of the tools in BamTools can be chained together by piping. Any tool that accepts stdin can be piped into, and any that can output stdout can be piped from. For example: > bamtools filter -in data1.bam -in data2.bam -mapQuality ">50" | bamtools count will give a count of all alignments in your 2 BAM files with a mapQuality of greater than 50. And of course, any tool writing to stdout can be piped into other utilities.

The Tools Fix formatting and add more details for each tool. convert Description: converts BAM to a number of other formats Currently supported output formats ( BAM -> X )

Format type

FORMAT (command-line argument)















Usage example: > bamtools convert -format json -in myData.bam -out myData.json

�Derek Barnett – 22 March 2011 Pileup Options have no effect on formats other than "pileup" SAM Options have no effect on formats other than "sam" count Description: prints number of alignments in BAM file(s). coverage Description: prints coverage data for a single BAM file. filter Description: filters BAM file(s). In addition to the command line options, the BamTools filter tool allows you to use an external filter script to define complex filtering behavior. This script uses what I'm calling properties, filters, and a rule - all implemented in a JSON syntax. Properties A 'property' is a typical JSON entry of the form: "propertyName" : "value" Here are the property names that BamTools will recognize: alignmentFlag cigar insertSize isDuplicate isFailedQC isFirstMate isMapped isMateMapped isMateReverseStrand isPaired isPrimaryAlignment isProperPair isReverseStrand isSecondMate mapQuality matePosition mateReference name position queryBases

�Derek Barnett – 22 March 2011 reference tag For properties with boolean values, use the words "true" or "false". For example, "isMapped" : "true" will keep only alignments that are flagged as 'mapped'. For properties with numeric values, use the desired number with optional comparison operators ( >, >=, <, <=, !). For example, "mapQuality" : ">=75" will keep only alignments with mapQuality greater than or equal to 75. If you're familiar with JSON, you know that integers can be bare (without quotes). However, if you use a comparison operator, be sure to enclose in quotes. For string-based properties, the above operators are available. In addition, you can also use some basic pattern-matching operators, using the '*' character as a wildcard. For example, "reference" : "ALU*" // reference starts-with 'ALU' "name" : "*foo" // name ends-with 'foo' "cigar" : "*D*" // cigar contains a 'D' anywhere Additional notes: The reference property refers to the reference name, not the BAM reference numeric ID. The tag property has an extra layer, so that the syntax will look like this: "tag" : "XX:value" where XX is the 2-letter SAM/BAM tag and value is, well, the value. Comparison operators can still apply to values, so tag properties of: "tag" : "AS:>60" "tag" : "RG:foo*" are perfectly valid.

�Derek Barnett – 22 March 2011 Filters A 'filter' is a JSON container of properties that will be AND-ed together. For example, { "reference" : "chr1", "mapQuality" : ">50", "tag" : "NM:<4" } would result in an output BAM file containing only alignments from chr1 with a mapQuality >50 and edit distance of less than 4. A single, unnamed filter like this is the minimum necessary for a complete filter script. Save this file and use as the -script parameter and you should be all set. Moving on to more potent filtering... You can also define multiple filters. To do so, you just need to use the "filters" keyword along with JSON array syntax, like this: { "filters" : [ { "reference" : "chr1", "mapQuality" : ">50" }, { "reference" : "chr1", "isReverseStrand" : "true" } ] } These filters will be (inclusive) OR-ed together by default. So you'd get a resulting BAM with only alignments from chr1 that had either mapQuality >50 or on the reverse strand (or both). Rule Alternatively to anonymous OR-ed filters, you can also provide what I've called a "rule". By giving each filter an "id", using this "rule" keyword you can describe boolean relationships between your filter sets.

�Derek Barnett – 22 March 2011 Available rule operators: & // and | // or ! // not This might sound a little fuzzy at this point, so let's get back to an example: { "filters" : [ { "id" : "inAnyErrorReadGroup", "tag" : "RG:ERR*" }, { "id" : "highMapQuality", "mapQuality” : “>=75” }, { "id" : "bothMatesMapped", "isMapped" : "true", "isMateMapped" : "true" } ], "rule" : " !inAnyErrorReadGroup & (highMapQuality | bothMatesMapped) " } In this case, we would only retain aligments that had high map quality OR both mates mapped (inclusive), while excluding all alignments from read groups that start with “ERR”. header Description: prints header from BAM file(s). index Description: creates index for BAM file. merge Description: merges multiple BAM files into one. random Description: grab a random subset of alignments. revert Description: removes duplicate marks and restores original (non-recalibrated) base qualities.

�Derek Barnett – 22 March 2011 sort Description: sorts a BAM file. split Description: splits a BAM file on user-specified property, creating a new BAM output file for each value found. stats Description: prints general alignment statistics.

Conclusion This document is a work-in-progress, more details will be added for most of the tools. Feel free to contact me if there is anything specific you would like to see added to this tutorial. Thanks. Derek Barnett Marth Lab, Boston College