MinION (Oxford Nanopore)
Entirely unique sequencing method, where the flowcell is inserted into a USB container, and from there plugged into a computer.
Due to its small size in comparison with Illumina, IonTorrent and PacBio, this sequencing tool is eminently suited to field work.
Reputed advantages
- flowcell pores good for several runs, until they die out, which they may at different times.
The software required can be split into two groups of programs:
- Sequencing generation
- MinKNOW, for control of MinION device & run parameters
- Metrichor, for cloud basecalling of event data
- MinoTour, live monitoring / control of run while sequencing
- Chronolapse a screen image grabber for record keeping
- TeamViewer, for remote control of MinION computer
- Sequence File Analysis
- Poretools, poRe Sequence extraction and data summaries
- Nature paper 11 Feb 2016 describing Minion use in Ebola outbreak