New schedule
Session 1, 90mins., before morning coffee
Introduction (15mins)
- Main and support instructors
- Each participant
- Aims and scope
- Challenges of bioinformatics and genomics
History of Unix (30mins)
- First 5 minutes of time sharing footage
- The personal computer and how Unix did not arise from it, but other systems did
- How Unix history has shaped its character
- How this nature might help meet current challenges
Accessing terminal (15mins)
- Logging on to Windows with University ID
- Finding PuTTY (locally or through Apps Anywhere)
Procedure for PuTTY
- Server or, port 22, SSH.
- Terminal keyboard: VT100+
- Connection | Data | Auto-login username: <username>
- Saved session: enter any chosen name, save
- "Connect"
- PuTTY Security Alert "The server's host key is not cached in the registry": click "yes"
- Once in, type "fortune" to see if keyboard is OK.
- First operation will be ... to get out again! Type "exit" or "logout"
- This gets us back to Windows
- Also logout of Windows (Apps Anywhere also seems to have a logout procedure)
- Then repeat the entire procedure
Session 2, 90mins., 11am to 12:30
- The first part of course runthough. It's likely this will spill over into Session 3
Session 3, 90mins., 13:30 to 15:00
- Spill over from Course Runthrough (30 mins)
- This part will be anchored by a Vim presentation
Session 4, 90mins., 15:30 to 17:00
- This is for advanced tools: mostly about awk and bioawk. Using various file formats.