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Quality evaulation of a de-novo transcriptome assembly from the creators of RSEM (Deweylab). It was designed to answer the shortcomings in the N50 score typically used to evaluate assembly. It is a much more comprehensive quality evaluation, requiring as input, no only the de-novo assembly, but all the raw reads that were used to assemble it.


Two main aspects to this program. Also included here are the executables associated

  • rsem-eval
    1. rsem-eval-calculate-score
    2. rsem-eval-estimate-transcript-length-distribution
    3. rsem-plot-model
    4. rsem-build-read-index
    5. rsem-eval-run-em
    6. rsem-extract-reference-transcripts
    7. rsem-parse-alignments
    8. rsem-preref
    9. rsem-sam-validator
    10. rsem-scan-for-paired-end-reads
    11. rsem-simulate-reads
    12. rsem-synthesis-reference-transcripts
  • ref-eval
    1. ref-eval
    2. ref-eval-estimate-true-assembly


The detonate module must be loaded beforehand

module load detonate

After de-novo assembly of your transcriptome, the first step is

rsem-eval-estimate-transcript-length-distribution <contigs.fasta> <outputld.txt>


  • rsem-eval-estimate-transcript-length-distribution, a perl script
  • <contigs.fasta>, your de-novo assembly
  • <outputld.txt>, your chosen name for the output text file which will hold the mean and SD of the contig lengths distribution.

Next the RSEM-EVAL score can be calculated. There is one executable for this, and it has various options. Executing

rsem-eval-calculate-score --help

will allow you view them.


The published paper describing Detonate