Pavel Pevzner's de-novo assembler, primarily for - but not restricted to - prokaryotes.
I uses Bayeshammer[1] to correct erros
A basic SPAdes run for a pair of fastq's would use their python script (extension .py) in the following manner: -o <output_directoryname> --pe1-1 <first_of_pair_fastq> --pe1-2 <second_of_pair_fastq>
NOTE: SPAdes' output files have generic names, so when running on several fastq samples it is essential that the output be directed to uniquely named directories.
Note that SPAdes also has a nanopore option.
Example qsub job script
#!/bin/bash #$ -cwd #$ -j y #$ -S /bin/bash #$ -V #$ -q unstable.q #$ -pe multi 16 # some quick "argument accounting" EXPECTED_ARGS=1 # change value to suit! if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ]; then echo "error, this script should be fed with one argument: a filelist of fastq(.gz) files" exit fi module load SPAdes N=( $(cat $1) ) NSZ=${#N[@]} for((i=2; i<NSZ; i+=2)); do R1=${N[$i]} R2=${N[$(($i+1))]} ON=${N[$i]%%_*} # echo " -t 6 -o $ON --pe1-1 $R1 --pe1-2 $R2" -t $NSLOTS -o $ON --pe1-1 $R1 --pe1-2 $R2 done
The output directory defined in the SPAdes command line will contain the following key elements:
- the corrected subdirectory containing fastq reads corrected by BayesHammer.
- the contigs.fasta file containing the resulting contigs.
- the scaffolds.fasta file containing the resulting scaffolds.
- the assembly_graph.fastg file containing the SPAdes assembly graph in FASTG format
- the contigs.paths file containing paths in the assembly graph corresponding to contigs.fasta file mentioned above.
- the scaffolds.paths file: similar to contigs.path except with the scaffold paths as its name suggests.
Installation (Sysadmin notes)
Initially version 3.7.0 was installed using the specially compiled gcc/4.9.3 compiler (available as a module). However the -b version of the module now uses Redhat's devtoolset-2, so that this compiler is not necessary.
Boost however, is necessary. The cluster has the latest version: 1.60. Possibly compiled (well, the bits that can be compiled) with g++ 4.4.7. In any case, the location of boost is a problem, although the boost module on the cluster does create some useful environmental variables, the given stacks_compile script does recognise them.
In any case, the configure system is cmake, so a "build" subdirectory should be created. Inside that, a short compile script containing something like the following should be created:
There is no make test nor make check before installation. Post-installation, however, there is a test script in the installation (not the source) directory, whihc can be invoked as follows:
<spades installation dir>/ --test
<spades installation dir>/ --test
For the truspades modality.